Northern Southland College
Newsletter - Term 1 Week 8
Northern Southland College and Lumsden School are supporting the Northern Southland Community Pool Trust with our first ever Golf Ball Drop Fundraiser. With the ever increasing costs to run our community swimming pool we are fundraising to change the heating to a more cost effective system and wish to install solar panels to decrease our power bills. It is essential that our Lumsden pool stays open for the benefit of not only our school students but also the wider community. Without this facility our school aquatics programme would be a token gesture at best.
Next week every student will be given one fundraising card with 5 tickets to sell, each ticket is $10. All the tickets sold will be allocated to a numbered golf ball and the golf balls will be dropped out of a helicopter onto the back field at NSC. Thank you to High Country Helicopters for supporting us.
There are prizes for the closest three in the hole or nearest to the hole. First prize is $3,000 cash. There are also major prizes for second and third as well as spot prizes.
All of the details will be on the fundraising cards, on posters displayed locally and on social media. If anyone wishes to sell more than one card of five tickets, please get in touch with the college to arrange collection. Thank you for your support with this fundraiser.
Students have adapted well to the 2023 NSC cell phone rules. Just a reminder that if a student is seen with their phone at school we will confiscate it and place it in locked storage until a caregiver comes to collect it. A common theme from some students is that they need their phone returned to them instead of a caregiver. My response is that if it is important that they have their phone, the way to keep possession of it is to make sure it stays at home or in their bag whilst at school. Please support us with this procedure. Our students are benefiting from not being distracted by their cell phones in and out of class.
Ngā mihi Pete Wilkinson Principal Northern Southland College
Upcoming Events
- Easter Egg Hunt - Friday 31 March
- GRIP Leadership conference - Tuesday 4 April
- Last Day of Term 1 - Thursday 6 April
- Teacher Only Day - Monday 24 April
- ANZAC Day - Tuesday 25 April
- First day back for students Term 2 - Wednesday 26 April
- Cross Country - Friday 28 April
- Year 11 Camp - Tuesday 2 May - Friday 5 May
- Golf Ball Drop - Friday 5 May
Year 9 Camp
Staggered Board of Trustee Elections
The Board of Trustees (BOT) elections at Northern Southland College have previously been held on a three-year cycle. The current Board Representatives would like to make a change by holding mid-term elections of the parent representatives as it is felt this would provide better continuity of expertise governing the school.
For more information on the process of Staggered (mid-term) elections, please look at this link. https://www.schoolboardelections.org.nz/board-resources/staggered-mid-term-elections/
The Board of Trustees would like to give notice to parents and students that this matter will be discussed and decided on at the Board of Trustees meeting held at 6pm on Monday 8th May, 2023 at the school. Parents and students have a right to attend this meeting (and any other BOT meeting) as part of the consultation process. It is the Board’s decision which three positions are for the three-year term of office and which two are for the 18 month term. The proposed date for the first mid-term election would be April, 2024
It would be helpful if you could notify the Board’s secretary by emailing anna.highfield@nsc.school.nz if you are going to attend so we can pick a suitable venue within the school.
Northern Southland College
Ugly Shakespeare
A huge thanks to the Ugly Shakespeare Company for showing a version of A Midsummer Night's Dream our students will not soon forget!
Payments for Student Accounts
Please remember to include enough detail when making payments to the college to ensure we can allocate your payment correctly and to the right account. We need the following information:
Description Activity or contribution
If you make fortnightly payments, unless otherwise indicated by you, we will prioritise the allocation to charges that require clearing before your child can participate (e.g. sporting teams or camps).
Reminder that our bank account details are: ASB – 12-3154-0158402-00
Tuakana Teina
This is every on every Tuesday during afternoon Tutor Group time. This is a great opportunity for our senior students to give back and our junior students to spend valuable time with a mentor. Ngā mihi to Mrs Leach for organising the programme and the students for being willing participants.
Date: Monday 1 May 2023 (Term 2 / Week 2)
All parents are most welcome to come along to join in the meeting. Come and meet and greet some new faces. It's a great opportunity to come together and discuss fundraising ideas and opportunities.
Michelle Elder is resigning as Chairperson, so if you are interested in taking on this role, or would like to know more about it, please contact the office or just come along on the night.
Sport Talk
Upcoming Sporting Events:
- Southland Primary Schools Athletics - Saturday 25 March
Northern Swimming Sports - Friday 31 March
Southland Athletics:
Great results from the Southland Athletics held on March 11.
Andrew Graham: 3rd in U16 High Jump, 3rd in U16 100m and 4th in U16 Long Jump
Max Gullick: 3rd in U15 Discus and 3rd in U15 Shotput
Sawyer Jones: 1st in U15 3000m
Tiarahi Kamo-Boyce: 3rd in U14 Long Jump
Ben Davis: 1st in U14 Triple Jump
Liam McLeay: 5th in U14 400m
A special mention to Max Gullick, Sawyer Jones and Ben Davis who have all qualified for South Island Secondary School Athletics in 2 weeks time. We wish these boys all the very best of luck.
Good Luck:
Best of luck to the 10 students representing Northern at the Primary Secondary Schools Athletics tomorrow - Anyah Lee Taylor / Bryn Timothy / Zabien Roy / Bede Roy / Riley McBride / Amelia Leach / Lewis Chen / Lachlan Gill / Finlay Jones / Fletcher Drysdale.
We look forward to hearing your results.
Thank you to those Parents / Teachers and Students, who have volunteered to take on Coaching and Managing roles for our Winter Sports. This is very much appreciated by all those involved.
Fundraising Opportunities:
Our school has been offered a wonderful fundraising opportunity through the Southern Motocross Association. This is for ANYONE that needs to fundraise.
It’s to do Flag Marshalling at their National Event - Friday 14 April / Saturday 15 April / Sunday 16 April (12-15 people required). This is the middle weekend of the holidays.
You can go as a team, or an individual. Each person gets paid $100 per day. You can commit to one or all three days if you choose.
The days run from 8am - 4pm. Lunch is provided.
If you are interested in doing this or would like more information, please contact the Office.
School App:
A reminder to select the Sport in the Alert Subscriptions your child is signed up to. This is the best way to be kept up to date with any relevant information.