Principal's Welcome Message

Ngā Mihi Nui Kia Koutou Katoa

Welcome to Northern Southland College.

Students have been educated at NSC since 1976 and we are proud of our co-educational history.

Here at NSC we maintain sound traditional values and insist on high standards of attitude, behaviour and aspirations. Our teaching staff are reflective in their practice and strive to meet the needs of all students.

The College’s mission statement emphasises the importance of developing the whole individual:


“We strive to develop well-rounded young people, whose academic endeavour is balanced with sporting and cultural involvement and whose exhibition of personal and social skills is positive.”

We offer a wide range of opportunities to meet the interests and needs of our students. As part of this, we offer a very extensive Education Outside the Classroom programme which has trips for every level of the school. The College takes great pride in its academic achievements. We have consistently achieved NCEA pass rates which are at the highest level nationally and we have a proud tradition of educating the students of Northern Southland.

“Learners’ progress and achievement are very well supported through the personalisation of teaching and learning programmes. Teachers in this small school get to know learners very well. They use this knowledge and a range of learning information to plan teaching and learning that will engage learners and support their success” ERO - August 2017

“The school provides a broad curriculum that is highly responsive to learners’ interests, needs and aspirations. The curriculum effectively supports learners to develop their pathways to employment and/or further tertiary study.” ERO - August 2017

We are a true community College and I welcome the opportunity to show new and prospective students around our spacious and well-resourced environment.

Pete Wilkinson

Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

Winton Autos Northern Southland Transport Livestock Supplies Ltd Southern institute of Technology - Te Pukenga Northern Southland Vets Kiwi Fly Fishing G & D Mini Digger and Truck Hire Southern Hoof Care Jim Bright Painting & Decorating Eaton Willow Lodge Ltd The Coffee Bomb

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