Our Board of Trustees 

Jonny Elder (Presiding Member)
Pete Wilkinson (Principal)
Paul Heslip (Parent Rep) 
Toni Eyles (Parent Rep) 
David Bullmore (Parent Rep)
Kate Soper (Parent Rep)
TBA  (Staff Rep)
Jesse McKenzie (Student Rep)
Anna Highfield (Board Secretary) 


The Board of Trustees has overall responsibility for effective governance of the College. This responsibility includes: property, personnel, financial management, health and safety, reporting to the Ministry of Education and school community, and meeting the requirements of the National Administration Guidelines.

The Board ensures effective delivery of the curriculum, establishes goals, develops and reviews policies, and monitors performance of the staff and of the Principal.

Any correspondence for the Board of Trustees can be sent to Anna Highfield, Board Secretary at sbm@nsc.school.nz



Our Parent Teacher Association


Andrea Bullied (President)
Jeanna Rogers (Secretay)
Glenda Chan (Treasurer)
Wendy Coghlan (Staff Rep)


The aims of the PTA are:

  • To encourage and develop parental and community involvement in Northern Southland College
  • To promote fundraising for the benefit of pupils attending the College

The PTA is a vital link between Parents and the College community. This is a proactive group within the College community made up of parents, a staff member and the Principal. It raises extra funds for the College by organising fundraising activities. It meets once a term and is very significant in providing a forum for the school and parents to meet both formally and informally. Parents are encouraged to join and become active members.

Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

Winton Autos Northern Southland Transport Livestock Supplies Ltd Southern institute of Technology - Te Pukenga Northern Southland Vets Kiwi Fly Fishing G & D Mini Digger and Truck Hire Southern Hoof Care Jim Bright Painting & Decorating Eaton Willow Lodge Ltd The Coffee Bomb

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